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This or that: tough decisions

When it comes to making decisions, sometimes the answers aren’t as easy as you would like them to…

Bears raid donut truck

After a delivery driver left the door of his van open, two bears climbed inside and began munching…

This or that: random edition

Tough choices need to be made, this or that?  Which would you choose? Talking pets or talking babies?…

Movie & TV plot holes explained

In television & movies, not everything has to be explained, some scenes are implied.  However that does not…

10 flavorful punches

September 20th is National Punch Day!  In celebration, here are some flavorful and delicious punch recipes: Sherbet Punch:…

Porch Pirate takes it to the next level A man in Georgia is facing charges for taking being a porch pirate to a new level. …

10 facts about pirates

Arrr, here be some interesting pirate facts for ye on International Talk like a Pirate Day: Jolly Roger:…

10 little things that add up quickly

Many times you’ll pickup little expenses thinking, “Meh, it’s only a couple of dollars”.  However, that couple dollars…

This or That: school activities

Everyone has activities that they enjoyed, and some that they did not while in school.  Which type of…
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